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My Malaysian boyfriend was visiting from Kuala Lumpur a few weeks ago, and he absolutely loves cooking. He has a very diverse culinary knowledge which has been embedded in him from a young age. Being half Sri Lankan, half Chinese, and growing up in Malaysia which is a melting pot of cultures and traditions, it’s no wonder he has developed a unique sense of taste. Continue reading



A few weeks ago, I was at a loss at what to cook but I had bought some tilapia fillets on a whim at the supermarket a few days earlier that were looking like they needed eating up. I also really wanted to use my new bowls and plates which I’d bought in an effort to step up my food photography. So I asked my fiancé Chris what he thought I should do within these quite specific parameters. He suggested Chinese-style steamed fish but I’m not too confident cooking Asian food so I came up with this super simple, minimal-effort dish. Continue reading